Прошивка Леново А 680
Posted : admin On 20.07.2019✌После перехода по ссылке идет маленькая реклама, нажимаем перейти и пропустить в правом углу, и попадаем на ссылку, сделано так для того, чтобы развить канал. Инструкция по прошивке смартфона Lenovo A5. Lenovo A680 - Прошивки. Инструкция по смене регион-кода для устройств Леново Установка рекавери через mobileuncle tools Единая. Слил 316 прошивку с телефона. Русификация процентов 90, автоповорот экрана работает (на 314 прошивке 'глючил'). Ремонт телефонов lenovo. Android, а так же получение Root (прав суперпользователя) и установка кастомного рекавери TWRP 2. 0Способ прошивки смартфона Lenovo A5. SP Flash Tool: 1. Lenovo A680 - root, прошивки, характеристики, игры, программы и цена. Lenovo A680 работает под управлением опера. На просторах интернета, а в частности на официальном сайте, появилась прошивка для LenovoA680 региона ROW.
Installing drivers 1. Download from the attachments usb vcom driver.rar archive and extract it.
You'll get a folder with drivers 2. Now open the Device manager on your PC 3. Now turn off your phone completely and take out the battery and afterwards put it back into the phone, but do not turn the phone on!
Leave it like that 4. Connect turned off phone to the PC and immediately watch at the device manager, you should see there a new device, something like MT65xx Preloader.
Righ click it, choose to update drivers and choose to update them manually, and then navigate to the folder with drivers you have extracted from the archive 5. Wait till the drivers install (should be fairly quick) Note that if you have Windows 8 or 8.1 you will need to disable digital signature verification of drivers on you PC, just google it you'll find a vid on youtube I'm sure. Flashing firmware 1.
Download the firmware, depending on a version of your Lenovo A680:. S316 firmware for А680 with 512 MB RAM. S324 firmware for A680 with 1024 MB RAM 2. After you've downloaded the archive with a firmware, extract it to the root of disk C or D on your PC 3.
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Now download the SP Flash Tool, the tool which will flash this firmware. Archive spflashtoolv3.1336.0.198.zip below 4. Extract the archive with a flash tool, enter the folder with it and run Flashtool.exe. The window of the tool will pop up, choose Scatter-loading button and then you'll see the browsing window, navigate to the folder with a firmware and choose the MT6582Androidscatter.txt 5. After that check the box DA DL All With Check Sum and check that all the boxes are ticked like it's shown on the screenshot below 6.
Now make sure the phone is not connected to the PC and press the button Firmware-Upgrade in the Flash Tool window and wait like 5-10 seconds 7. After that, take you phone, turn it off, take out the battery, put it back into the phone but do not turn on the phone. Now just connect turned off phone to the PC and the flashing proccess should start itself, you'll be able to see it in the flash tool window.
Прошивка Леново А6000
Wait till it finished, you will be notified about that with a small window with a green circle in it, it means that flashing is done 8. Now disconnect the phone from PC, take out and put back the battery again and finally start the phone as usually, the first boot after flashing firmware should take quite a lot of time (more than usual start).